Let’s Quit Sugar


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Learn how to lower your appetite and eliminate bad eating habits once and for all.


Increase your metabolic rate by following easy rules and habits.


Stabilize your blood sugar levels. Improve your hormonal balance. Lower your cholesterol.



Learn how to lower your appetite and eliminate bad eating habits once and for all.


Increase your metabolic rate by following easy rules and habits.


Stabilize your blood sugar levels. Improve your hormonal balance. Lower your cholesterol.



Is there a healthier and thinner version of

waiting to break free?

Do you feel like you’re being kept prisoner by your insatiable urges to EAT SUGAR?


Would you like to be healthier and fit, but simply not able to resist giving into cravings?

And let me guess… you tried dieting and exercising numerous times before giving up, failing again and again, only to return to the same weight or even adding more on?

By now you’ve probably tried to find a solution everywhere but have had no luck.


Really… how can you sift through all the fad diets, exercise routines, worthless supplements and all other gimmicks you know don’t work.

It’s not all your fault because you are stuck in a vicious cycle. Every time you try to get out, you are pulled back in by one thing alone!

You know what that is? It’s an open secret…

Sugar is seen as a pretty harmless substance. I mean, it’s regularly given as a treat to kids, right? We know it makes us put on weight, but most people don’t know that it also comes with many health problems.

And those problems can be deadly:

Sugar can suppress your immune system, impairing it against infectious disease

Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety and crankiness, making it more difficult to concentrate

Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been linked to the development of cancer in your breast, ovaries, prostate, colon, pancreas, liver, lungs, gallbladder and stomach

Sugar makes your insulin to be constantly high causing diabetes

Sugar makes you age prematurely

Sugar can cause varicose veins

Sugar can decrease your insulin sensitivity

Sugar can provoke problems during pregnancy

Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease

Sugar lowers the ability of your body to function effectively

Sugar causes constipation and irregularity

Nearly Half of All Deaths from Heart Disease, Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes May Be Due to a Bad Diet

Sugar is seen as a pretty harmless substance. I mean, it’s regularly given as a treat to kids, right? We know it makes us put on weight, but most people don’t know that it also comes with many health problems.

And those problems can be deadly:

Sugar can suppress your immune system, impairing it against infectious disease

Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety and crankiness, making it more difficult to concentrate

Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been linked to the development of cancer in your breast, ovaries, prostate, colon, pancreas, liver, lungs, gallbladder and stomach

Sugar makes your insulin to be constantly high causing diabetes

Sugar makes you age prematurely

Sugar can cause varicose veins

Sugar can decrease your insulin sensitivity

Sugar can provoke problems during pregnancy

Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease

Sugar lowers the ability of your body to function effectively

Sugar causes constipation and irregularity

Nearly Half of All Deaths from Heart Disease, Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes May Be Due to a Bad Diet

Sugar is seen as a pretty harmless substance. I mean, it’s regularly given as a treat to kids, right? We know it makes us put on weight, but most people don’t know that it also comes with many health problems.

And those problems can be deadly:

Sugar can suppress your immune system, impairing it against infectious disease

Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety and crankiness, making it more difficult to concentrate

Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been linked to the development of cancer in your breast, ovaries, prostate, colon, pancreas, liver, lungs, gallbladder and stomach

Sugar makes your insulin to be constantly high causing diabetes

Sugar makes you age prematurely

Sugar can cause varicose veins

Sugar can decrease your insulin sensitivity

Sugar can provoke problems during pregnancy

Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease

Sugar lowers the ability of your body to function effectively

Sugar causes constipation and irregularity

Nearly half of all deaths from heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes may be due to a bad diet

“OK, I get it… Of course I will get healthier and lose weight if I don’t eat sugar, so I will just stop eating it…”

“OK, I get it… Of course I will get healthier and lose weight if I don’t eat sugar, so I will just stop eating it…”

Sure, you can try to … but it’s not so easy.

In fact, chances are almost 100% you’ll consume some sugar very soon without even knowing it.

You’ll either be pulled back to sugar at one of your first temptations and end up stuffed with sweets or you’ll be eating something, unware of the hidden sugar inside, which will lead you to more and more sugar cravings.

Before I explain why…

Let’s Play a Simple Game

Please mark all the food that you think contain sugar.

You may not be aware of it but sugar is in many foods we eat every day! Even if you think it is not there because you cannot taste it, trust me, it’s there.

It is used to enhance flavor, as a preservative and to get you hooked – all dirty secrets of the food industry.

Some experts predict that sugar could be classified as a controlled substance in the next twenty years. It is so addictive that it stimulates your brain in the same way that cocaine, heroin and crystal meth do!

Fifty years from now, future generations will be looking back on us, asking themselves “How could they be so stupid?” The same way we look now on generations of passionate cigarette smokers from fifty years ago.

I’m going to give you a complete list of all the food that contains sugar soon – first, one question.

So, Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight?

You May Not Know It, But You Are Already Addicted

Sugar is an addiction.

Think about it! 

When you eat it, it makes you excited and happy – like you were taking drugs.

But just once is never enough…

Soon after a sugar fix, you feel hungry, nervous, drowsy and ready for another dose. You just can’t stop. 

No matter how hard you try, your body will call out for another fix

But once you get it, the cycle repeats all over again and again and again. 

You put on more weight every time and it pushes you closer to morbid obesity with every bite. It’s almost impossible to break the cycle.

People try all sorts of magic pills, strict diets, painful exercise or expensive equipment, yet they overlook the simple and obvious fact about addiction that prevents them from successfully reaching their weight loss goals.

!!!It’s the sugar!!!

That causes a BLOOD SUGAR ROLLER COASTER! and our never ending sugar addiction. Let me explain it to you a little bit better…

Confused? Take a look at the​ illustration below.

sugar rollercoaster infographic

  1. We get on the sugar rollercoaster by eating sugar. It elevates our blood sugar which causes our insulin to be released, soon followed by dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. We feel a burst of energy. Our mood lifts as we feel awake and ready to take on anything. Within minutes, our blood sugar spikes. We reach a “sugar high” and are euphoric.
  2. But it is only temporary. As soon as we feel good, our insulin starts to clear out any excess sugar by directing it into the brain, muscles and liver. Whatever is left over is stored as fat. Frequent high-insulin levels bring their own problems: inflammation, as well as an increased risk of developing cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. After the spike, say goodbye to “good mood hormones” goes down and hello to your blood sugar crashing anywhere from 15-60 minutes after first eating. Your body interprets a sugar crash as a state of emergency. It snowballs into the “fight or flight” mode, as stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol are released.
  4. High adrenalin provokes anxiety, irritability and elevates blood pressure. Increased cortisol makes your digestion stop, slows down your body’s ability to regulate and detoxify, and weakens your immune response and memory in the process.
  5. All these stress hormones make you feel hungry, irritable and anxious. They make your brain foggy and fatigued. Your mood then swings and you begin to crave food. To feel better, you resort to grabbing a quick snack full of carbs and the ride on the blood sugar roller-coaster starts again.

There Are Only

To Solve Your Sugar Addiction

The first is to hire a professional nutritionist, doctor, dietary specialist or even a psychotherapist, who will overcharge you, billing you $200.00 per session.

It will not be just one appointment but many, and the bills will rack up even if you reach any visible results …

Fortunately, there is a more affordable way that you can start right now.

You see… I have created a METHOD to take you off the SUGAR ROLLER COASTER for good!

It is everything you’ll ever need to successfully say goodbye to all the extra weight you’ve been carrying around with you all these years.

But who am I anyway and why should you listen to me?

My name is Cory Kelby.

I’ve been struggling with obesity since my earliest childhood. This is me in March of 2018 when I weighed over 250 pounds…

This morning, my bathroom scale was showing 176 pounds and it’s been similar to that for the past 10 months.

If you have ever been in my shoes, you will know for yourself how many times I’d made the resolution to quit overeating and change my life for the better. 

Yet I was pulled back in by my terrible eating habits every single time. No matter what I did, I couldn’t lose the weight!

Whenever I lost my resolve, I would instantly regret it. I would swear off junk food off, only to give up the very same day.

And then came the evening that changed

I’d been living together with my girlfriend for a few years. We were both working in IT development. I was freelancing and she commuted to the office, where she worked as a web designer. We were slowly planning on getting married, when one late Saturday evening a I received a phone call.

Through her tears, she told me that the police HAD ARRESTED HER for driving under the influence. Greater than the confusion spinning round that moment in my head was the turmoil in our lives that started as of that very evening.

She made a plea bargain, ending up paying a considerable fine and doing 180 days of community service. She had her license suspended for six months under the condition that she complete a drug rehabilitation program that lasted thirty days. The program was aimed to educate those who were suffering from long term dependency on narcotics.

I was her main SPONSOR at the rehabilitation program, meaning I had to learn how to help guide her through the dark woods of addiction to stop her from making mistakes and ensuring that she did not relapse.

I’d been living together with my girlfriend for a few years. We were both working in IT development. I was freelancing and she commuted to the office, where she worked as a web designer. We were slowly planning on getting married, when one late Saturday evening a I received a phone call.

Through her tears, she told me that the police HAD ARRESTED HER for driving under the influence. Greater than the confusion spinning round that moment in my head was the turmoil in our lives that started as of that very evening.

She made a plea bargain, ending up paying a considerable fine and doing 180 days of community service. She had her license suspended for six months under the condition that she complete a drug rehabilitation program that lasted thirty days. The program was aimed to educate those who were suffering from long term dependency on narcotics.

I was her main SPONSOR at the rehabilitation program, meaning I had to learn how to help guide her through the dark woods of addiction to stop her from making mistakes and ensuring that she did not relapse.



“Just follow all the rules and everything will be fine. It will be a piece of cake,” I told her after the first meeting, trying to keep her spirits up.

Instead, a relentless torrent of rage burst out of her, accusing me that I had no idea of how difficult it is to stay clean.

Even though I was upset, it was at this moment that the sign of a late-night drive-through caught my eye. I was about to pull into it, thinking that some food would calm us down, when she ordered me to keep driving on, almost jerking the wheel away from me.

I did… asking her why…

“Oh, you think it’s so easy? Let’s see… From now on, you are not allowed to stop for a snack at the drive- thru anymore, ever again. That’s the new rule!” Her voice was as cold as could be.

“You’re nuts!” I told her foaming at the mouth. “Food isn’t illegal, neither is eating! You are trying to lay your burden on me. You can’t think hunger is the same as addiction.” 

“Yes, it is!” she yelled. “What do you know about hunger?” She scoffed. “The cravings are the same. Or are you just unable to? Follow the rule!” ending with a sarcastic “It’s no biggie!” punctuating her point. 

She sat there, staring down, her eyes fixed into place. “It’s just like with you and food,” she added. “The cravings,” she said, “are so strong.”

“And just because it’s not illegal does not mean it’s not the same internally,” she said to me calmly, almost crying.

She was right, because only few seconds ago I was thinking of a way to go out later secretly, in the middle of the night, to get my “food fix” without her knowledge. I was thinking and acting like a real addict …

I kept on regularly attending the meetings with her, giving my support, not missing a single one. What I learned there only amplified what I learned elsewhere by reading up on addiction. 

What I came to find out shocked me, even making me slightly depressed, but you need to know it too because you may be in the same trap I had been in. The truth was


It was already taking a toll on not only on my waistline but also my health. 

She was right…

And That Was When a Brilliant Idea Struck Me…

What If I Applied the Same Substance Addiction Treatment Methods to


I had nothing to lose from giving it a try. I’d already tried hundreds of other methods, including any diet pills, magic shake powder, miracle diet, heavy workout or exercise machine that you could think of. Of course, NONE OF THEM WORKED! Treating myself as an addict was at least worth a shot.

It was completely different from everything else I tried before to lose weight!

Naturally, I knew from the start this wouldn’t be an easy process. It was much harder to do it since sugar is a socially acceptable and widely used substance that often is hidden in everything we eat and drink.

So I had to modify it to be able to apply it to myself.

I stuck with it … 

I followed the rules.

I made errors.

I stumbled and had to start over.

But every time I made sure to not repeat the same mistakes and fall for the same traps as before. Soon, I started to see the results all over my body. As the numbers on the scale fell, so did the size of my waistline.

*Readout from my scale

It really worked! 

I achieved what I had never been able to. After losing over 100 pounds in about a year, people started asking me how they could do it too.

First, my “big boned” cousins came begging for advice. Then came friends who had always struggled with their weight, then friends of friends with the same problem, all wanting me to share my “secret”. Being known as the chubbiest guy in my surroundings, they all thought “Hell, if this guy can do it, so can I!”

They all reached out to me, seeing me as someone who saw the light at the end of the tunnel of obesity.

I know it works. I know it is effective. I know you can too. 

This is how the “Let’s Quit Sugar” method came to be.

I compiled everything I learned, did and tried. I included every mistake I made into one system that teaches everything you need to understand to lose weight– why we are addicted to eatingwhy we are addicted to sugar, what forced us here and how we can find the way out before it starts killing us.

Rest assured the “Let’s Quit Sugar” method will work for you.

You can apply this system by yourself at home, wherever you go and whatever situation you are in. It will teach you everything you need to know that others waste their hard-earned time and money on.




“Let’s Quit Sugar” is delivered in *.PDF format. The image above is for illustrative purposes only.


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Will be delivered to you by instant download in PDF format. It contains step by step instructions to solve your sugar and junk-food addiction for good. It will equip you with the weapons you need to win your battle against obesity, unlike anything. It will help you get control over your eating and your life. Not only will it improve your physical health, but your mental health too.


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Anyone who was trying not to eat sugar knows how hard it is to resist the temptation. This booklet will help keep you on the straight, skinny and narrow whenever you may feel weak in your fight against overeating. Print it, put it on your fridge, and read it daily to stay motivated and keep fighting against food addiction. It will reinforce what you will have learned from the “Let’s Quit Sugar!” system.

Risk free with 60-day guarantee

No shipping cost saves you money

All materials are DIGITAL and sent to you instantly in PDF format. Any Computer can use it! That means you can start TODAY!


60-day Money Back Guarantee!

A new happy you or your money back! Have almost two whole months to test it out for yourself. If your body does not respond to the methods from this system, you have the full right to get your money back up to 60 days. So there you have it. Put that cookie down and take the first step of a healthier you, right now!

It Targets the Core Issue Instead of “Masking” the Symptoms

All the diet pills, magic shakes, slimming creams, exercise equipment, training regimes or diet you have ever tried only targets the FAT instead of solving the core problem:

Our Tendency to Overeat and the Bad Dietary Decisions We Make are Caused by

They don’t want you to know this, because…

Corporations need your money!!!

The food industry wants you to be addicted to eating so they can sell you more to feed their profits. What they are serving up makes you an addict so they can sell more. 

They get you hooked by secretly lacing sugar in everything. 

As a result, people get fat and sick.

This is where the pharmaceutical, supplement and weight-loss industry steps in.

Corporations make and sell the food that gets you sick, profit and then earn more by marketing quick fixes to the problem they created.

The magic pills they sell might as well be magic beans.

Any weight you lose only last as long as you are paying them money. But the cycle will eventually be repeated, resulting in gaining even more weight

Like a Yo-Yo, you will go back and forth, from eating too little to eating too much and never make any progress.

Currently, more than one-third (36.5%) of all adults in the U.S. who are 20 or older are obese.

Projections say that by 2030

more than 50% of all adults in the U.S

Do you really want to be IN THE RED?

If Your Answer Is NO, Keep On Reading

Diets usually come in trends and fads because they never work. As soon as you start one, it fails, and you start another. They usually rely on “counting calories” or special foods or weight loss supplements. They only take off a little weight, and as soon as you break them a little, you are back to gaining even more weight than before.

  • If we eat too much and we eat food that is bad for us, it all adds up – there are consequences to eating for fun, which are not funny at all.

  • Sugar is not the healthy source of energy therefore we are usually left feeling tired, stressed, drained and hungrier at the end of each day.

  • Sugar is in almost everything we eat and our body is made to process sugar into fat as quickly as possible, especially when we eat too much of it.

  • Eating too much sugar makes us fat and miserable.

  • We are even more miserable when we try and fail to lose weight because we are addicted. As a result, we go back to our unhealthy ways.

Why Let’s Quit Sugar works?

“Let’s Quit Sugar” is designed to directly target the core of your weight problem – by rewiring your brain and empowering you to say NO to sugar. It will provide you with all the healthy alternatives to help you get back into control of your health and lose weight naturally.

  • Cut the sugar out of your diet easily with Let’s Quit Sugar.

  • Follow the guidelines from Let’s Quit Sugar, start eating healthily and watch the weight melt off.

This sounds easy in practice, but like kicking any bad habit, it is one of the hardest things you will ever do. That’s why “Let’s Quit Sugar” will show you how, so you do not have to be a slave to your weight addiction anymore.

YOU WILL Feel and look better while eating better

By getting rid of your food addiction, sugar will be off your radar for good! You will get instant result and notice immediately that you are starting to slim down. (1) (2) (3)

Although you might think that sugar gave you energy, too much of it actually clogged your metabolism into having to deal with cleaning it out of your system, leaving you always tired and sleepy. By simply cutting sugar out of your life with Let’s Quit Sugar, you’ll feel more energized and able to get things done. (4)

your body will clean itself

Quitting sugar will not only detoxify your blood and liver, but will also enable your body to get rid of the fat deposits it has made from years and years of sugar abuse. As an added benefit, it will help lower your LDL and cholesterol levels. (5) (6)


YOU WILL Be less nervous and more stable

The spark that starts sugar addiction is the sugar high we feel instantaneously after ingesting it. After the spike, we hit a sugar crash. Our body tries to counteract the fall by pumping itself full of stress inducing hormones, making us anxious, worried and moody. The only way to stop this cycle of grouchiness is to get off the sugar-rollercoaster altogether. (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

It may be cheaper to eat badly in the short term but you will end up paying with your health

Eating healthier is cheaper than going to the doctor. We reward ourselves everyday by buying cheap sugary food, but end up paying long term. You will save money and spare your health. The wisest decision you’ll make will be implementing advice from Let’s Quit Sugar and stop poisoning our body. (13) (14) (15) (16)


YOU WILL GIVE your liver a new life

Fructose from sugar gets turned directly into fat. It is placed in your liver and cannot leave, causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Let’s Quit Sugar will teach you how to reverse this condition. (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)

YOU WILL Take better control of type 2 diabetes and prevent it before it starts!

For sugar to not be too high in your bloodstream, your pancreas releases insulin. The pancreas eventually needs to secrete more insulin to overcome resistance and conks out, causing diabetes. Let’s Quit Sugar will show you how to cut all the sugar out of your diet. It is the only way to improve your health if you have diabetes and will help you prevent it if you do not. (28) (29) (30) (31)


Sugar is decadent but deadly

A fatty liver that continues to be bombarded with sugar dies the same as if it were alcohol. Type 2 diabetes is not the end to sugar addiction. Being diabetic, obese and suffering from high blood pressure can result in metabolic syndrome. It is a serious condition that can result in death. Let’s Quit Sugar will show you how to stop and reverse it. (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)


The best prevention of cardiovascular disease is to stop consuming junk food

Eating too much sugar can lead to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina, shortness of breath, and heart attack. To save the only heart we have, we have to leave sugar behind. (38) (39) (40) (41) (42)

YOU WILL Lift up your mood through clean eating

Insulin after a meal often overcorrects, bringing our blood sugar way too low. The sugar crash stresses your body, which provokes stress hormones (adrenalin and cortisol) to be released. They can contribute to feelings of depression as you go up and down the sugar rollercoaster. If you want to feel more stable in life, Let’s Quit Sugar will show you how. (43) (44) (45) (46)

get ready to feel energized

After a sugar high comes the sugar crash. If ups and downs happen too frequently, it fatigues the body, especially the hormones regulating your body. Your body eventually cannot tell when it should be energized and you feel constantly worn out. A good start to get relief from chronic fatigue is to quit sugar, start to eat real food, and Let’s Quit Sugar will show you how. (47) (48) (49) (50)


YOU WILL minimize risk of cancer

Your sweet tooth makes your insulin be too high too often. It not only pushes glucose into cells, forcing your fat to grow by leaps and bounds, but the push also easily provokes and enables unwanted, malignant cells to proliferate. So, the big C will be far less likely to occur if you stop eating sugar. (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57)


Alzheimer’s? Who is that?

A constantly elevated level of insulin in the blood causes many adverse effects throughout the body. In the brain, it increases the production of certain proteins called “amyloids”, which contribute highly to Alzheimer’s disease. If you want to be able to remember into your old age, Let’s Quit Sugar will show you how to forget sugar from your past. (58) (59) (60) (61) (62)


Let’s Quit sugar will show you how to do it

Inflammation can be caused by frequent high insulin and cortisol levels. This happens to be a root cause of acne. Sugar can provoke skin problems such as eczem and psoriasis flare-ups. What’s more, it deepens wrinkles by attaching to collagen and elastin. It makes you go bald or hairy in all the places you don’t want. Let’s Quit Sugar will give you the right motivation to keep your hands off the sweets, for good! (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88)

Planning a family? NOW IS THE TIME TO increase your chances!

Eating too much sugar too often, your body will respond by releasing the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol. These can wreak havoc on other hormones, causing inflammation. To keep your body working properly and increase your chances of getting a “sweet little bun in the oven”, start by getting rid of the sugar in your life. Let’s Quit Sugar will show you how! (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72)



How to get off the Sugar Roller Coaster for good and lose weight once and for all!

Stop the yo-yo effect of weight loss and weight gain that many fad diets cause. Let’s Quit Sugar will tell you what is needed to permanently lose weight and keep it off.

The “SEVEN MAXIMS” crucial to overcoming SUGAR-ADDICTION!

You won’t find this effective combination of methods anywhere else than in the Let’s Quit Sugar. Print them down! Put them on the fridge and on the door to the pantry to remind you.

A 5-step blueprint to keep yourself Sugar-Free for life!

Even the best of us can fall into weak moments, which is why “Let’s Quit Sugar” gives you the exact directions you need to stay healthy and sugar free.

How to eat smart and eat healthily!

Learn how the food industry secretly tries to lure you into consuming junk food so you always come back for more. Learn how not to fall into their traps by shopping wisely. Know what to do and how to buy to escape the clutches of sugar dealers!

Build a daily dietary routine you can rely on! Learn what you can eat, when you should eat and how you should eat. Following these simple rules will help you lose weight fast and get back on track to leading healthy life – all while never being hungry or having to go to the gym!


Enjoy the Weight Loss Benefits of a Sugar-Free Diet without the Drawbacks

Let me repeat once again that you have a full

60-day money back guarantee!

If for ANY reason at all, this system does not work for you, your money will be refunded.

So there you have it. Put that cookie down and take the first step of a healthier you right now!

Wishing you a healthier and thinner life,


P.S. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at info@letsquitsugar.com.

P.P.S. – This is very important: if you choose to leave this website right now or you’re thinking you’ll “think about it and decide later”… trust me, you will continue living your life on a never-ending Sugar Roller Coaster. From my personal experience, people who leave website at this point rarely come back. They just continue living their vicious circle of sugar addiction.

Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: Cory Kelby is a pen name and brand name of letsquitsugar.com

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