Royalties University – How You Can Earn Ongoing Royalties


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Learn the simplest way to get monthly recurring income without trading time for money. In fact…

All You Need is One Virtual Property And In Seven Days You Can Be Earning Royalties… And That’s Just the Beginning

Yes, we are open now…

Only one percent of the world’s population understand how royalties work. You can join that group by enrolling in Royalties University™ today.

From: Christopher Westra

Re: Royalties University™ Nine Month Education Program

Dear Friend,

Learning how you can earn royalties is perhaps the BEST education you can receive. Just imagine the ultimate benefits you get –

You create or obtain a valuable resource ONCE and then you

continue selling it over and over again, for years to come!

With Royalties, you get ongoing income.

Let’s say you create an education program you sell for $20 profit.

At 50 Sold Per Month, that’s $1000 Monthly Profit

And that’s just from one product! Then you can go on to create another “virtual” or intellectual property to get royalties from.

Example: I’ve created 13 virtual properties and sold thousands of copies over the last few years. I’ve made over $100,000 in sales each year from these books and education programs.

I live off of royalties completely, and provide a living for my wife and five boys off of ongoing royalties for the virtual products I create.

Royalties are the only way to go for me, but it’s not for everyone.

Five Benefits of Earning Virtual Royalties

1 Continue to receive income long after you do the work

Yes, you will continue to receive profits for years, for virtual properties you create now.

2 Achieve Unlimited Income

You have no limits to the number of times you can sell the same item, when selling virtual (digital) products.

With real estate, you can only rent a property to one person at a time. On the other hand, with virtual properties you can sell to as many buyers as you can reach. This means your income is unlimited!

3 Receive more leisure time for you and your family

When you receive royalties, you can take a vacation or time off whenever you wish. Your “Royalty Income System” has already been set up.

4 Enjoy established expertise in the field of your choice

Because you have created a virtual property of packaged information, you are considered an expert in the field. Being an Author and Creator is fun.

Don’t worry. We will show you how to compile and create your virtual property.

5 Experience the Freedom Lifestyle with your family

Beyond just vacations, the freedom lifestyle means you can work on the projects you want to. You can wear what you want and eat when you want.

You can design your own high-energy working environment!

Note – You don’t have to use your royalties to replace a 9 to 5 job. Some people just want a little ongoing supplementary income and you can have that too.

(These are just a few comments, there are many more stories)

apryl jensen“An amazing aspect of earning a passive residual income is that this opportunity is open to practically anyone.

If you decide to write a book about your area of expertise, no longer are you limited by the whims of publishers.

You are free to create what you’d like and offer it to your audience.”

Apryl Jensen

Author of Creating Consciously

wendy jensen“Some days I spend a lot of time on my business and other days I do nothing at all. I love the freedom and flexibility this opportunity provides me!

I spent the past two weeks vacationing with my family and while we were gone I still earned royalties on my e-books through Clickbank.

When I returned from vacation, there were SIX Clickbank checks waiting for me!”

Wendy Jensen

Author of Positive Parenting

richard webb“This was the smartest move I could have made. I am an internet marketing guy, not a warehouse manager.

So, basically, I continued doing the same thing, only I eliminated my responsibilities at running a warehouse and now spend approximately 1-2 hours/day on my business.

I make around $4-5K in profits every month.”

Richard Webb


Super Mind“One of the greatest benefits of building a successful business is the person you’ll become… and life will never be the same again.

Two years ago I started following my dreams of a life of freedom. For nearly a year, I never earned a single cent but throughout this I never gave up.

Just a year later, and I now make more money on automatic pilot than I ever did in a regular job… and the freedom feels great.”

Iain Legg

Author and Developer – Real Mind Power Secrets (Super Mind System)

Add your story of royalties by Joining Royalties University™ today.

What are Royalties, Anyway?

Have you ever read the book Pride and Prejudice, or seen the movie? Jane Austen’s novels are filled with people who don’t have to work for a living. Why don’t they work?

The “upper class” in England, France and other countries owned all the land, and received a continuous passive income from the “rent” of the tenants.

Because the people who received these ongoing payments were the Princes, Dukes, and Earls, the payments came to be called “Royalties”.

The royalty knew how to “rent” their property yet still retain ownership!

Royalties are “rents” paid to you for the use of your property

You can generate royalties from any useful property. It doesn’t have to be real estate. You can get royalties from any form of intellectual property, such as books, audios, videos, movies, education programs, and even ideas.

These are called “Virtual” properties because they only exist in computer files and databases and on the internet.

Does this mean they aren’t real?

Of course not! People gladly pay for the information that enriches their life.

Virtual properties are actually so much easier to earn royalties with because there is no delivery cost on your end. The virtual products are delivered automatically and immediately through the internet!

Just Imagine the Following Happening

to You….

Receiving a phone call from a pleased customer and fan, who says, “Thanks for writing your book, I just finished reading it. I can’t believe I actually got you on the phone…

Breaking your record for daily profits, and excitedly telling a loved one about it.

Relaxing on vacation, confident that the royalties from your virtual products are bringing you hundreds of dollars per day.

Launching a new virtual product and feeling so eager to see how it is selling that you can hardly wait until after breakfast!

Waking up on an icy winter morning, and rejoicing that you don’t have to go outside because your home office is only 30 feet away.

If and when hard times come, enjoying the relief and security of having several streams of royalties that see you through.

Laughing inside at the interesting looks people give you when they ask you what you do for a job and you say, “I sell virtual properties for ongoing royalties.

I’ve experienced all of the scenarios above, and you can too.

Royalties Can See You Through Hard Times

To show you what royalties can do, I’ll tell you about the mystery illness that struck me between 2006 and 2008.

For those three years I went to doctor after doctor, spending thousands on tests and doctor’s fees. We looked into sleep apnea, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Chron’s disease, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and more.

Every day I was in pain – in my joints and in my intestines. My fatigue was so bad that I had to take four naps during each day just to get through. Many nights when I went to bed, I hoped I would die in the night.

Finally, after three years, I found out I had Lyme disease.

Now that I know what I have, I’m getting better. The reason I’m sharing this is because during this time I couldn’t have held a full time job. Yet the royalties from my virtual products kept coming in.

Oh, I still worked. I could work about an hour and a half before the fatigue put me down for another nap. Our family was able to come through financially due to the Lord’s blessings and the ongoing payments from the products I had created.

Earning Royalties During Vacations!

My next example was a lot more fun. I took my wife to Hawaii for eight days for our fourteenth anniversary. During that time I didn’t even touch a computer or do any work.

Yet during those eight days I made $2362 in profit from royalties!

It’s not magic… I had the “royalties architecture” in place before I went. When you enroll in Royalties University™, you will learn how to earn royalties yourself.

One of the great benefits to royalties is that you can do it from any location or country in the world. As long as you have access to the internet, you can create digital products, sell them to the world, and collect payments.

I have friends in Malaysia, Singapore, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and the Isle of Man who are receiving royalties from their virtual creations.

The world is your market, and there are a lot of people in the world!

A world class education about Royalties and how to earn them.

40 weekly lessons delivered to your email covering these topics.

How to start small right where you are.

The easiest automated payment systems to use.

How to promote and sell your virtual properties.

Simple ways to research and package useful information.

Basic principles of human persuasion (selling).

How to build your properties around your interests and likes.

The different types of virtual products that sell best on the web.

The best ways of getting traffic and customers for your products.

Weekly motivation and reminders via the weekly lessons.

Hundreds of ideas for virtual products that will sell.

How to enjoy your additional leisure time.

Ways to refurbish “Public Domain” properties for royalties.

You Will Receive One 3-5 Page Weekly Lesson for 40 Weeks in Downloadable .PDF Format

Web design instruction. (You can learn that elsewhere).

A ready made product to sell. (You create your own).

Extensive personal consultation. (But I can point you to resources).

Enlightenment. (Although you’ll have more leisure time to reach it).

Royalties University™ gives you the keys to financial

prosperity. It won’t cure all your problems or

improve your relationships.

But it sure won’t hurt, either!

We all have unique talents and interests. Those who enjoy gardening should spend time doing it. Base your royalty product on YOUR passions and interests.

Here are some ideas:

  • How to Build a better Engine.
  • Potty Training in a Day.
  • The Ultimate Tomato Growing Video Collection.
  • Homeschooling with the Four-Year Plan.
  • Guide to Trail Running Vacations in the U.S.
  • How to Build Your Own Solar Panels.
  • Low Cost Advertising Methods.
  • How to Become a Kickboxing Instructor.
  • 114 Fun Date Ideas.
  • Lose Weight With the Harmony Earth 30 Day Energy Diet.
  • Enjoy the Night Sky (Astronomy Lessons).
  • Herbal Treatment for Common Illnesses.
  • How to Teach Your Children About Sex.
  • Overcome Procrastination.
  • The Easy Guide to Writing a Book.
  • Nine Principles of Expert Persuasion.
  • How to Cultivate Health from Within (Probiotics).

I don’t write a book about how to build a better engine. I know nothing about that kind of stuff!

I create virtual properties (products) around the topics and subjects I love. One of the first bonus items you will receive is a booklet containing 559 ideas for products.


Provide Short and Useful Content

Each weekly lesson is three to five pages long and contains clear and useful helps for earning royalties. You can easily put into practice the tips, principles, and techniques in each lesson.


Include a Specific Assignment to Complete

After each weekly lesson, you’ll get a specific assignment to complete. These assignments are strategically created to lead you to results. It’s up to you to follow through with action.


Build on the Previous Lessons

Each lesson you receive builds on the previous weekly royalty lessons. In this way you transition from beginning principles to advanced ideas over the months.


Give You Incremental Knowledge and Motivation

Your Royalties University™ lessons are given to you in portions you can digest and then act on. When you get weekly content, reminders, and assignments in this way, you can succeed in setting up your own royalty streams.


Open Your Mind to New Possibilities for Royalties

Week after week, you will receive new ideas, methods, principles, and keys to creating royalties. By consistent action, you will discover topics and niches where your personal talents and abilities shine!

The first lesson is coming your way immediately upon completing your enrollment. Included in the first lesson is…

Royalties University™ Lesson #1

  • The Four Essential Items You Need to Earn Royalties

  • A 10 Step Startup “Checklist” of your first action steps

  • The Benefits of selling Virtual Estate rather than Real Estate

  • How to Increase Your Money Magnetism for Royalties

  • Five Different types of Virtual Properties you can Build

Note – You will receive this lesson immediately. If you know how to buy a web domain and host it, you could be receiving your first royalties in as little as seven days.

If you lack some basic computer skills and web knowledge, then it may take you a few weeks longer.

You’ve probably seen the “Make Money” programs that cost thousands of dollars. I’ve talked to customers who joined those programs and they tell me it wasn’t worth it.

You work hard for your money, so spend it wisely.

I created Royalties University™ to be affordable to nearly everyone, even people in the “poorer” countries in the world. I’m not going to charge the thousands of dollars that I could for this education program.

If I did charge $1500 per person, then many of the people who most need this Royalties education wouldn’t be able to afford it!

I’ve been there. I didn’t start learning about earning royalties until I was 38 years old. Until then I traded time for money and lived paycheck to paycheck also. This is why I’m making this affordable for every budget.

In fact the enrollment cost for Royalties University™ is just $19 per month. The education program is nine months long, the same as a typical school year or two University Semesters.

I’ve got a years worth of lessons on earning royalties, but I’ll compress them into nine months to save you money.

You can cancel your enrollment at any time. If you aren’t getting results, then it doesn’t cost you anything.

“Christopher, that’s a real deal… wow!

… so what’s the catch?”

Yes, I know that’s a low enrollment price, and there is a catch…

Only 1000 (And Shrinking Fast)

to Royalties University™!

I’ve placed a cap on enrollments at 1,000 members. Once these initial memberships are taken (and it won’t take long), no more will be available.

I’m doing this to keep things manageable for me, and to keep customer service high for you. This royalties education is available for 1,000 people at a time so enroll now.

royalties womanIf you wait, you may have to wait nine months until some members graduate and some spots are opened up.

Those who have worked with me over the years know that I stick with my deals. When I said we would take 100 Charter Members to I Create Profits, we only allowed 100, and then increased the price.

So take this cap seriously.

Many people miss out on a special deal, and then regret it later. Don’t let this happen to you.

What is the worst case scenario if you sign up now? You pay $19, find that the Royalties University isn’t for you, and then get your money refunded.

That’s not much risk. I’m taking all the risk for you.

I know the life changing nature of being able to earn royalties and want to give this knowledge to those who will make the most of it.

Yes, this is YOU.

You Can Cancel Enrollment or Get

a Refund Easily

Royalties University enrollment is handled through a company called Clickbank. They are a fully secure site. I’ll teach you more about Clickbank in one of your lessons.

You can get a refund without even contacting me. Just contact Clickbank.

royalties guaranteeI offer a 60 Day 100% money back guarantee. I stand by the great content in all my Royalties University™ lessons. Just contact me (or Clickbank) anytime during the 60 Days for a full refund, or to cancel your enrollment.

Join Now While Spots Are Still


Yes, Christopher, I want my 3-5 page weekly lesson on how to earn royalties from virtual property.

I want to enroll in Royalties University™!

Your initial investment will be $19.00. You will then be charged $19.00 per month for 8 months after your initial enrollment. All major Credit Cards are accepted, as well as PayPal Payment.

credit cards

Enroll in Royalties University

Click Here to Enroll Now!


(Even if it’s the Middle of the Night)

In just minutes you will be on your way to earning royalties.

You will receive an email every week with a download link for your weekly Royalties University™ lesson.

*Every effort has been made to accurately describe Royalties University and its potential for you. Please note that each member’s success depends upon his or her motivation, persistence, desire, and skills.

You’ve now heard the straight talk on royalties, and it’s up to you.

I just want to mention again that with virtual royalties, you can sell the same product multiple times, with no shipping or delivery costs. This means that once you set up your royalties architecture, the money keeps flowing in.

You can use your leisure time for travel, family, service, education, fishing, or whatever you like to do!

If this doesn’t excite you, then I don’t know what would. Get started right now.

All you need is ONE Virtual Product, ONE Sales Page, and

a Payment System to get started earning Royalties!


christopher westra signature

P.S. Let me tell you something about decisions. Powerful people make Meta-Decisions.

A “Meta” decision is a decision that impacts your life for years to come.

Here are three quick examples:

Going out on a date is a whim. Deciding on one girl to marry and live with for the rest of my life was a Meta-Decision.

Building a sandpile is a nice project. Deciding to build my own home was a Meta-Decision.

Choosing to work out once is a great choice. Deciding to become a Black Belt in the Martial Arts was a Meta-Decision.

You’ve made Meta-Decisions in your life before, and I encourage you to make one right now by enrolling in Royalties University™. If you don’t join, your next year will be much the same as the last year.

Join today and start building your Royalty Streams in Seven Days or Less!

Click Here to Enroll Now!

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PO Box 378, Gunnison, Utah 84634

Copyright © 2008 Christopher Westra – All Rights Reserved

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