Green Bay Packers Aaron Jones Running Back Training Program


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I’m so CERTAIN that this program will help you acquire the speed, strength, vertical jump and endurance of an Elite NFL player that I’m willing to let you take the program for a test drive for 30 days.

If after 30 days you’re not feeling more powerful, stronger, and explosive, just shoot me an email at and we’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked.

But you couldn’t do that without giving the program an honest try right?

The reason i’m confident that SHOWTYME produces results because it’s the same routine I’ve been doing this offseason to get myself into the best shape of my life.

I’v also used these training methods in El Paso with hundreds of other young athletes where I watched them transform and dominate all of their goals…

Not only that, but Robert Godinez has been using our same techniques across different sports as well. 

Now he has professional soccer players and Olympic-level track and field athletes using the same system!

My training got me to starting at one of the most brutal positions in the NFL, and now that I have the top trainers in the country by my side I know our techniques are top-notch.

I’ve got the science, the video examples, and most importantly

the plan. 

Now, the only thing missing is your commitment…


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